
Telephone Directory

Emergency Contacts

Medical Emergencies : 01262-281304

Surgical Emergencies : 01262-283700

PGIMS (Reception): 2222, 281305

Designation Name Telephone Number email address
Director Dr.SS Lohchab 2307,2515, 01262-281307
(Fax) 01262 -281308
Joint-Director Ms.Preeti (IAS) 2307,2515, 01262-281307
(Fax) 01262 -281308
Dean Dr.Kuldeep Singh Laller 2461 dean.pgims@hry.nic.in
Medical Superintendent Dr.Kundan Mittal 2252,2700 ms.pgims@uhsr.ac.in
Designed and Developed by I/c IT and Telemedicine Pt.B.D.Sharma University of Health Sciences
Suggestions/Feed-Back sukhdevchandla@uhsr.ac.in , it@uhsr.ac.in